All of Cloud's limit breaks :: 8009C75A 02DB 9009C774 C9FF
Quick level gain 8009D7D8 FFFF
Gil 8009D260 FFFF
99999999 EXP after every battle: 8009D7D8 E0FF 8009D7DA 05F5
99999999 AP after every
battle 8009D7DC E0FF 8009D7DE 05F5
Ultima weapon 3009C754 000F
Have Master Summon 3009CE60 005A 3009CE61
00FF 8009CE62 FFFF
Knights of the Round (summon) 8009B748 FF59
Bahamut ZERO (summon) 8009B744 FF58
use the codes below please enter this code or nothing will work: 80000000-0000
Play As Sephiroth Gameshark Code The
code is 8009B376-FF0A. This is the code to use Sephiroth. First start the game with the code on.Then when the title screen
appears turn the Gameshark off. Next load a saved game on the 1st or 2nd CD. Next go to PHS and remove the 3rd character on
the party screen. Now turn the Gameshark back on and Sephiroth will appear! (You probably want to turn the Gameshark off and
save your game so you'll always have Sephiroth)**You can only play as Sephiroth on Disk 1 and Disk 2.**((when i say turn gameshark
off a title screen just save it once and then turn it off so u can have sephiroth throughout the whole game))
Cloud All
Limit Attacks 8009C75A 0FFF Level Modifier 3009C739 00?? Max Strength 3009C73A 00FF Max Vitality 3009C73B
00FF Max Magic 3009C73C 00FF Max Spirit 3009C73D 00FF Max Dexterity 3009C73E 00FF Max Luck 3009C73F
00FF Infinite HP 8009C764 270F Max HP 8009C766 270F Infinite MP 8009C768 03E7 Max MP 8009C76A 03E7 Limit
Bar is Full 8009AEDE FF01 Enable All Limits 8009AEF2 02DB 9999 HP 8009C764 270F 9999 max HP 8009C766
270F 999 MP 8009C768 03E7 999 max MP 8009C76A 03E7 Level 99 3009C739 0063 255 Strength 3009C73A 00FF 255
Vitality 3009C73B 00FF 255 Magic 3009C73C 00FF 255 Spirit 3009C73D 00FF 255 Dexterity 3009C73E 00FF 255
Luck 3009C73F 00FFTifa All Limit Attacks 8009C862 0FFF Limit Bar is Full 8009AFE6 FF01 Enable All Limits 8009AFFA
02DB Level 99 3009C841 0063 255 Strength 3009C842 00FF 255 Vitality 3009C843 00FF 255 Magic 3009C844
00FF 255 Spirit 3009C845 00FF 255 Dexterity 3009C846 00FF 255 Luck 3009C847 00FFBarret All Limit Attacks 8009C7DE
0FFF Limit Bar is Full 8009AF62 FF01 Enable All Limits 8009AF76 02DB Level 99 3009C7C3 0063 255 Strength 3009C7C4
00FF 255 Vitality 3009C7C5 00FF 255 Magic 3009C7C0 00FF 255 Spirit 3009C7C1 00FF 255 Dexterity 3009C7C8
00FF 255 Luck 3009C7C9 00FFYuffie All Limit Attacks 8009C9EE 0FFF Limit Bar is Full 8009B172 FF01 Enable
All Limits 8009B186 02DB Level 99 3009C9CD 0063 255 Strength 3009C9CE 00FF 255 Vitality 3009C9CF 00FF 255
Magic 3009C9D0 00FF 255 Spirit 3009C9D1 00FF 255 Dexterity 3009C9D2 00FF 255 Luck 3009C9D3 00FFRed XIII All
Limit Attacks 8009C96A 0FFF Limit Bar is Full 8009B0EE FF01 Enable All Limits 8009B102 02DB Level 99 3009C949
0063 255 Strength 3009C94A 00FF 255 Vitality 3009C94B 00FF 255 Magic 3009C94C 00FF 255 Spirit 3009C94D
00FF 255 Dexterity 3009C94E 00FF 255 Luck 3009C94F 00FFAeris All Limit Attacks 8009C8E6 0FFF Limit Bar
is Full 8009B06A FF01 Enable All Limits 8009B07E 02DB Level 99 3009C8C5 0063 255 Strength 3009C8C6 00FF 255
Vitality 3009C8C7 00FF 255 Magic 3009C8C8 00FF 255 Spirit 3009C8C9 00FF 255 Dexterity 3009C8CA 00FF 255
Luck 3009C8CB 00FFCid All Limit Attacks 8009CB7A 0FFF Limit Bar is Full 8009B2FE FF01 Enable All Limits 8009B312
02DB Level 99 3009CB59 0063 255 Strength 3009CB5A 00FF 255 Vitality 3009CB5B 00FF 255 Magic 3009CB5C
00FF 255 Spirit 3009CB5D 00FF 255 Dexterity 3009CB5E 00FF 255 Luck 3009CB5F 00FFVincent All Limit Attacks 8009CAF6
0FFF Limit Bar is Full 8009B27A FF01 Level 99 3009CAD5 0063 255 Strength 3009CAD6 00FF 255 Vitality 3009CAD7
00FF 255 Magic 3009CAD8 00FF 255 Spirit 3009CAD9 00FF 255 Dexterity 3009CADA 00FF 255 Luck 3009CADB
00FFCait Sith All Limit Attacks 8009CA72 0FFF Limit Bar is Full 8009B1F6 FF01 Enable All Limits 8009B20A
02DB Level 99 3009CA51 0063 255 Strength 3009CA52 00FF 255 Vitality 3009CA53 00FF 255 Magic 3009CA54
00FF 255 Spirit 3009CA55 00FF 255 Dexterity 3009CA56 00FF 255 Luck 3009CA57 00FFAeris Resserection Gameshark
Code Here is what you have to do to bring Aeris back to life. Then enter the Aeris resurection code 8009B376-FF03 then
start the game with the code on. Now when the title screen appears turn off the Gameshark.**Dont use this on the first CD,
it might freeze up/glitch the game.**Then load a saved game on either the 2nd or 3rd CD. Next go to PHS to remove the 3rd
character on the party screen. Now turn the Gameshark back on and Aeris will appear! (you should probably turn the Gameshark
off and save your game so you will always have Aeris) Be careful though, the man in the air ship after you return from the
mako crator will remove Aeris so you will have to do the code over if this happens, but if you are past this scenario you
shouldn't have any problems.Play As Sephiroth Gameshark Code The code is 8009B376-FF0A. This is the code to use Sephiroth.
First start the game with the code on.Then when the title screen appears turn the Gameshark off. Next load a saved game on
the 1st or 2nd CD. Next go to PHS and remove the 3rd character on the party screen. Now turn the Gameshark back on and Sephiroth
will appear! (You probably want to turn the Gameshark off and save your game so you'll always have Sephiroth)**You can only
play as Sephiroth on Disk 1 and Disk 2.**Miscellaneous:Regain HP800F5E8B 00FFFirst Character continuously regains HPNo Time
Limit800F5E88 FFFEWith this code, anyone in the first position always has a full Time bar. This means that the character in
1st position never has to "Wait" to attack.The other two characters act normally.Battle Codes**You will have to turn off the
gameshark when you're out of battle if you want to use these codes**Limit Speeds up Slot 1 - 800F5E6A 00FFLimit Speeds up
Slot 2 - 800F5E9E 00FFLimit Speeds up Slot 3 - 800F5ED2 00FFTime Speeds up Slot 1 - 800F5BBC FFF0Time Speeds up Slot 2 - 800F5C00
FFF0Time Speeds up Slot 3 - 800F5C44 FFF0Infinite HP Slot 1 - 800F840C FFFFInfinite HP Slot 2 - 800F8474 FFFFInfinite HP Slot
3 - 800F84DC FFFFInfinite MP Slot 1 - 800F8408 03E7Infinite MP Slot 2 - 800F8470 03E7Infinite MP Slot 3 - 800F84D8 03E7Straight
to Level 99 - 801FFDD6 0100 + 8009D7DA 0100Experience Up8009BF70 FFFFAfter battles you will always recieve 131,000 EXPAP Up8009BF74
FFFFAfter battles you will always recieve 65,000 APInfinity EXP:8009BF70 FFFFInfinity AP:8009BF74 2710Infinity Money:8009B9FA
FFFFSave Anytime, Anywhere!8009BA3E 0000No Monsters:80070674 0000801160C0 0000(No random encounters)No Random Battles (World
Map):8011627C 0000No Random Battle (Elsewhere):8007173C 0000Time in Menu stops:8009D264 0000Turn any growing Chocobo into
a Gold Chocobo:8009BC4E 0400Infinite GP:8009BB6A 5FFFInfinite BP:8009BB70 F000Materia Codes**Before using ANY of these codes,
make sure that the first line of your Materia Screen is completely empty. The codes will insert the Materia into that slot,
possibly wiping out what was there** Once it is in the first slot, equip it on all three characters, so you'll have three
of them. and then turn the code off. Since it will be inserted into the first slot, you should only enter one of these codes
at a time. If you are having trouble with the game these codes sure will come in handy!-MASTER MATERIAMaster Summon Materia
- 8009B74C-FF5AMaster Magic Materia - 8009B658-FF49Master Support Materia - 8009B68C-FF23Master Command Materia - 8009B708-FF30Master
Independent Materia - 8009B6CC-FF12Learn all Enemy Skills- 8009B5F8 FF2C- 8009B5FA FFFFGives you a Learn Enemy Skills Yellow
Orb, with all Skills learned.All Character WeaponsCloud Baster Sword 8009B478 C680 Misery Saber 8009B47A C681 Hard
Breaker 8009B47C C682 Butterfly Edge 8009B47E C683 Enhance Sword 8009B480 C684 Ogre-Nix 8009B482 C685 Crystal
Sword 8009B484 C686 Force Eater 8009B486 C687 Ruin Blade 8009B488 C688 ??? 8009B48A C689 Ding Bat 8009B48C
C68A ??? 8009B48E C68B Apocalypse 8009B490 C68C ??? 8009B492 C68D Ragnorok 8009B494 C68E Ultima
Weapon 8009B496 C68F Aeris Guard Rod 8009B4F4 C6BE Misery Rod 8009B4F6 C6BF Full Metal Rod 8009B4F8 C6C0 Strike
Rod 8009B4FA C6C1 Prism Rod 8009B4FC C6C2 Aura Road 8009B4FE C6C3 Wizard Rod 8009B400 C6C4 Wiser Rod 8009B402
C6C5 Fairy Tale 8009B404 C6C6 Umbrella 8009B406 C6C7 Princess Guard 8009B408 C6C8 Tifa Lazer Glove 8009B498
C690 Metal Knuckle 8009B49A C691 Misery Claw 8009B49C C692 Grand Glove 8009B49E C693 Tiger's Fang 8009B4A0
C694 Diamond Knuckle 8009B4A2 C695 Dragon's Claw 8009B4A4 C696 Crystal Glove 8009B4A6 C697 Motor Drive 8009B4A8
C698 Platinum Fist 8009B4AA C699 Kaizer Knuckle 8009B4AC C69A Glove 8009B4AE C69B Over Soul 8009B4B0
C69C Master Fist 8009B4B2 C69D God's Hand 8009B4B4 C69E Premium Heart 8009B4B6 C69F Barret Gathering
Gun 8009B4B8 C6A0 Assault Gun 8009B4BA C6A1 Cannon Ball 8009B4BC C6A2 Atomic Scissor 8009B4BE C6A3 Hard
Vulcan 8009B4C0 C6A4 Chain Saw 8009B4C2 C6A5 Micro Lazer 8009B4C4 C6A6 A.M Cannon 8009B4C6 C6A7 W.
Machine Gun 8009B4C8 C6A8 Drill Arm 8009B4CA C6A9 Solid Bazooka 8009B4CC C6AA Rocket Punch 8009B4CE C6AB Enemy
Launcher 8009B4D0 C6AC Pile Bunker 8009B4D2 C6AD Maximum Ray 8009B4D4 C6AE Missing Score 8009B4D6 C6AF
Yuffie Cross-Shape Hand Spear 8009B526 C6D7 Boomerang 8009B528 C6D8 ??? 8009B52A C6D9 Round Crescent 8009B52C
C6DA Hawk's Eye 8009B52E C6DB Crystal Cross 8009B530 C6DC Wind Slash 8009B532 C6DD Twin Viper 8009B534
C6DE Hand Spear 8009B536 C6DF Super Ball 8009B538 C6E0 ??? Hand Spear 8009B53A C6E1 Rising Sun 8009B53C
C6E2 ??? 8009B53E C6E3 ??? 8009B540 C6E4 Red XIII Misery Clip 8009B4D8 C6B0 Gammon Hairpin 8009B4DA
C6B1 Silver Barretter 8009B4DC C6B2 Gold Barretter 8009B4DE C6B3 Adamant Clip 8009B4E0 C6B4 Crystal Comb 8009B4E2
C6B5 Magic Comb 8009B4E4 C6B6 Platina Barretter 8009B4E6 C6B7 Saint Clip 8009B4E8 C6B8 ??? 8009B4EA
C6B9 Seraph Comb 8009B4EC C6BA Behemoth Horn 8009B4EE C6BB Superior Clip 8009B4F0 C6BC Limited Moon 8009B4F2
C6BD Vincent Quick Silver 8009B55C C6F2 Spas 8009B55E C6F3 Randoll Riot 8009B560 C6F4 Special Machine
Gun 8009B562 C6F5 Winchester 8009B564 C6F6 Peace Maker 8009B566 C6F7 Bantering 8009B568 C6F8 Long
Barrel R 8009B56A C6F9 Silver Jade Cannon 8009B56C C6FA Sniper CR 8009B56E C6FB High Brow ST 8009B570
C6FC Outsider 8009B572 C6FD Death Penalty 8009B574 C6FE Cait Sith Yellow Mega Phone 8009B542 C6E5 Green
Mega Phone 8009B544 C6E6 Blue Mega Phone 8009B546 C6E7 Red Mega Phone 8009B548 C6E8 Crystal Mega Phone 8009B54A
C6E9 White Mega Phone 8009B54C C6EA Black Mega Phone 8009B54E C6EB Silver Mega Phone 8009B550 C6EC ??? 8009B552
C6ED Gold Mega Phone 8009B554 C6EE ??? 8009B556 C6EF Starlight Phone 8009B558 C6F0 Marvelous Cheer 8009B55A
C6F1 Cid Spear 8009B50A C6C9 Slash Spike 8009B50C C6CA Trident 8009B50E C6CB Pole Arc 8009B510 C6CC Peartisan 8009B512
C6CD ??? 8009B514 C6CE Javelin 8009B516 C6CF Claw Lance 8009B518 C6D0 Mop 8009B51A C6D1 Dragoon
Lance 8009B51C C6D2 Dragon Crescent Blade 8009B51E C6D3 ??? 8009B520 C6D4 Longiness 8009B522 C6D5 Venus
Gospel 8009B524 C6D6 Summoning Materia codes Chocobo & Moogle 8009B70C FF4A Shiva 8009B710 FF4B Ifrit 8009B714
FF4C Ramuh 8009B718 FF4D Titan 8009B71C FF4E Leviathan 8009B724 FF50 Odin 8009B720 FF4F Bahamut 8009B728
FF51 Kjata/Cujyat 8009B72C FF52 Alexander 8009B730 FF53 Neo Bahamut 8009B738 FF55 Hades 8009B73C FF56 Typoon/Chupon 8009B740
FF57 Phoenix 8009B734 FF54 Bahamut ZERO 8009B744 FF58 Knights of the Round 8009B748 FF59 Armor (Defense
Weapons) Bronze Bangle 8009B578 C700 Iron Bangle 8009B57A C701 Chitan Bangle 8009B57C C702 Mistery Bracelet 8009B57E
C703 Carbon Bangle 8009B580 C704 Silver Bracelet 8009B582 C705 Gold Bracelet 8009B584 C706 Diamond Bangle 8009B586
C707 Crystal Bangle 8009B588 C708 Platinum Bangle 8009B58A C709 Rune Bracelet 8009B58C C70A Edging Coat 8009B58E
C70B Wizard Breast 8009B590 C70C Adamant Bangle 8009B592 C70D Gigas Bracelet 8009B594 C70E Imperial Guard 8009B596
C70F Aegis Bracelet 8009B598 C710 Force Breast 8009B59A C711 Warriors Bangle 8009B59C C712 Shin-Ra Defense
Item 8009B59E C713 Shin-Ra Defense Item-2 8009B5A0 C714 Four Slot 8009B5A2 C715 Fire Bracelet 8009B5A4
C716 Holy Bracelet 8009B5A6 C717 Thunder Bracelet 8009B5A8 C718 Dragon's Bracelet 8009B5AA C719 Minerva
Breast 8009B5AC C71A Escort Guard 8009B5AE C71B Misteel 8009B5B0 C71C ??? 8009B5B2 C71D Advanced Bangle 8009B5B4
C71E Chocobo's Bracelet 8009B5B6 C71F Extra Armor Weapons (Equip on 3rd section) Power Wrist 8009B5B8 C720
Vest 8009B5BA C721
Earrings 8009B5BC C722
Tallisman 8009B5BE C723
Chocobo Feather 8009B5C0
Lucky Charm 8009B5C2 C725
Champion's Belt 8009B5C4 C726
Poison Ring 8009B5C6 C727
Ring 8009B5C8 C728
Saglet 8009B5CA C729
Star's Pendant 8009B5CC C72A
Eye Glasses 8009B5CE
Hankerchief 8009B5D0 C72C
Fairy Ring 8009B5D2 C72D
Jewel Ring 8009B5D4 C72E
Cape 8009B5D6 C72F
Elmeth Shoe 8009B5D8 C730
Oragi's Bracelet 8009B5DA C731
Ribbon 8009B5DC
Fire Bracelet 8009B5DE C733
Ice Bracelet 8009B5E0 C734
Thunder Bracelet 8009B5E2 C735
Elemental 8009B5E4 C736
Safety Bit 8009B5E6 C737
??? Bracelet 8009B5E8 C738
Curse Bracelet 8009B5EA
defense Bracelet 8009B5EC C73A
Bells 8009B5EE C73B
Reflect Ring 8009B5F0 C73C
Bracelet 8009B5F2 C73D
Steal Bracelet 8009B5F4 C73E